Saturday, September 29, 2012

Life as a "Linky"

Alright. In order to fully expirence the link year life via my blog, I decided you should know what a day in the life of a "Linky" looks like. PS: a linky is what I have decided to call Link Year students, it may be weird, just go along with it.

So, Tuesday through Thursday we have class in the neighborhood chapel every morning.
Now, I don't know about you...but this is better than any classroom I've ever been in!! How blessed are we that we can hold class in such beautiful chapel?? I love waking up knowing that I get to walk up to this sight every morning for 8 months. Jealous? yup, I thought so.

So, class begins at 8:30 with worship and then 15 minutes of prayer. PS: our worship band consists of 3 linkys! They are all very talented and love serving others through leading worship! lets take a moment and give Alex, Brenton, and Katie a round of applause! After prayer and worship, Adam comes up and introduces our speaker. Each day we have the opportunity to listen to a different speaker. They each teach us about a different topic applicable to our lives and our faith. I will explain more about each  speaker in another post! Class ends at 11:45 and that's when the stampede to the dining hall for lunch begins. After lunch the rest of the day is ours!
Claire Morgan and Graham got bored during class

Jay Holden speaking on strengths

Jay Jay got a little sleepy.
Our AWESOME worship band!

Alex(right) and Brenton(left) jammin during worship! they are so talented!

If you didnt notice, Monday and Friday were not mentioned in the above explanation. Well that's because those days are totally different and totally awesome. Mondays are known as "Mystery Mondays" around here. The goal is to make Mondays the best day of the week, instead of the one day everyone dreads waking up for. So every Monday the staff plans a fun event for us to do! this week was roller skating at the prestige and famous Skate World. All they told us was to wear neon clothes and bring socks. SUPRISE! we are going skating! it was awesome! by the end of the day we were sore and sweaty, but it was totally worth it. 
Najee and I livin the thug life.
AD (the RA) and I were matching!

Now for Fridays! Friday is rough because we start at 8:00 instead of may not think that's a big deal, but 30 minutes can make or break my grumpiness. But anyway, at 8 o'clock the boys and the girls meet separate for bible study and small groups. Each week we have a bible study to complete by Friday morning along with a memory verse to learn! I love this day! (besides the whole 8AM thing) I love spending time with my small group having awesome conversation and spending time learning about each other as we dig into the word! We finish around 11 and have the rest of the day to ourselves! What to do in our spare time...the possibilities are endless! Trust me!

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